Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Daylight Saving Time Increases Driving Danger

While the Sunday start of daylight saving time means that Spring is in sight, it also carries with it one fewer hour of shut-eye and a shift in our sleeping patterns that can spell disaster on our roadways. All told, sleep-deprived drivers cause more than 6,400 deaths and 50,000 debilitating injuries on American roadways each year, per the National Sleep Foundation. And, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation, driver fatigue was a contributing factor in 1,058 crashes in the state in 2016. “It takes two weeks for most of us adjust to the shorter nights and our new sleep schedules,” said AAA Colorado spokesman Skyler McKinley. “Between now and then, we’re all especially exposed to the risks of drowsy driving. Drivers should begin adjusting their sleep habits now to make sure they get at least seven hours of sleep before getting behind the wheel.”